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I am Melissa Lizcano, an ESL Teacher graduated from Universidad Industrial de Santander in 2014. If you are on this page is because you are somehow interested to know about me and what I do.


I've been teaching for about eight years now so I've obtained some experience through those years but, as any human being, I'm continuously learning and challenging myself in order to be, every day, the best version of me.


I studied my High School education at Escuela Normal Superior de Piedecuesta so I got a degree as a Teaching Tutor with Pedagogical and Environmental emphasis.

After I graduated I went to College and enrolled in the 5-year ESL Teaching Program and I got my degree in the year 2014.

That same year I moved from Colombia (South America) to Shanghai, in China. I lived there for a year working as an ESL Tutor and then moved back to Colombia to work as a Governmental teacher.

I'm currently working as an ESL Teacher with 10th and 11th graders (High School) and with a lot of expectatives and desires for the upcoming future.

It's a pleasure to meet you!

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